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Rate Skins and Mailbox
Published on January 6, 2005 By
I couldn't rate skins today. I got nothing but the stars, without the option to rate.
One other thing, a suggestion maybe: Is it possible to have associated with our websites a mailbox to receive personal messages? Just a thought...
I think it would be very usefull.
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on Jan 06, 2005
Well, there is a guestbook in the "About" section, but it would be nice
on Jan 06, 2005
I can't rate anything either. I'm guessing there's something going on behind the scenes that's preventing us from rating anything right now. Eventually it'll get fixed.
on Jan 06, 2005
If I got this correct...to rate skins one of the two following conditions must be met first.
1. User Level (4) Active Stardock Customer or higher (There was a change coming to the new site where the additional User Level (3)Past Stardock Customer was added for users that haven't purchased Stardock software within the last year and are not currently subscribing to the site.)
2. Access Level (4) Journeyman or higher
This information is available in the resource section (left column of site) under Subscription Info https://www.wincustomize.com/resources.aspx?cmd=3 for the User Level info and About Site https://www.wincustomize.com/AboutSite.aspx for the Access Level info.
You can see your User Level or Access Level when you view your profile.
Black Xero
on Jan 06, 2005
2. Access Level (4) Journeyman or higher
But I think .... it starts form Master Apprentice Level .....
on Jan 07, 2005
Xero you may be right
. I was already a subscriber when I got promoted to journeyman and the defining of Master Apprentice is a little light in details. Also I thought that the user level had to be subscriber to rate not just buying any Stardock software, but that was pretty clear in the Subscription Info section...
Access To Skin Ratings
...is in very bold print under that user level.
Bebi Bulma
on Jan 07, 2005
I'm Access Class: Citizen (1) and User Level: CurrentCustomer (4) and according to the links Essencay provided, I should be able to rate skins, correct? I've never been able to.
on Jan 07, 2005
As apprentice
I have always been able to rate skins up until yesterday
. So there goes my
If that has been changed then I'm OK with it, all I wanted to know
if that's a temporary problem
or a new standard and adjustment to my account. That's all.
No biggie, just curious
on Jan 07, 2005
I have the same problem as FilkoSE. Up until 2 days ago, I could rate the skins, and I have the same qualifications as Bebi Bulma.
When I let my mouse hover over the stars, I'd see the 'I like it', 'I love it', etc. No more do I get this. Before, I could rate my selection and the mouseover ability would disappear.
I'm with Filko SE - I'm curious as to why this has suddenly started happening. I've also read other posters having the same problem. This inability to click on any of the stars just started a few days ago. I am guessing something is happening behind the scenes, and will hopefully get fixed soon.
on Jan 07, 2005
Could anyone from moderation move this post to
forum or any appropriate section, please? I must have accidentally clicked on
on Jan 07, 2005
Interesting update: The only way I can rate any skin is if I go to the skinner's personal website here at WC. Then, and only then, do I get the ability to rate a skin. The mouse hovers over the stars, and I can see the 'I like it', etc., and then rate the skin. FilkoSE, give this a try. Wonder why this changed.
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